
Covid-19 rules in Dubai for Eid Al Adha family gatherings

Several rules have been implemented in Dubai to help combat the spread of Covid-19, which has recently seen an increase in cases.

The National Emergency Crisis and Disasters Management Authority (NCEMA) has allowed traditional prayers to continue this year as Eid Al Adha approaches. It also specifies the Covid safety guidelines, which worshippers must scrupulously follow.

Source: Khaleej Times, National Emergency Crisis and Disasters Management Authority (NCEMA)

Rules for Edi Al Adha Celebration

  • The time allotted for the post-prayer preaching is limited to 15 minutes.
  • Musallahs and mosques will open their doors 15 minutes before the commencement of the prayer.
  • Following the prayer, all places of worship will be closed.
  • For big public events that require permits, the maximum attendance is now 1,500 for indoor events and 2,500 for outdoor activities.
  • Face masks are necessary in both public and private meetings, and persons must keep a physical distance of two meters from one another.
  • After closing in March of last year, women’s prayer spaces in mosques have reopened.
  • Individuals who are Covid-positive or have close ties to them are not permitted to attend the prayers.
  • Those under the age of 12 and those beyond the age of 60 are urged to pray at home.
  • Service facilities such as washrooms, ablution areas, and water dispensers will not be accessible.
  • After the prayer, handshakes and hugs are not permitted.
  • Prayer mats must be brought by worshippers. Stickers with social distancing messages will be placed.
  • Worshippers are not permitted to congregate at places of worship prior to or following the prayer.
  • In general, some laws remain in force in Dubai. However, they have changed during the course of the pandemic.
  • Beginning June 6, live entertainment and events will be permitted for a one-month trial period, which the administration may extend.
  • Hotels can be fully booked, while entertainment venues can expand their capacity to 70%.
  • At venues and hotels, weddings can be held for up to 100 people. All employees and visitors, however, must be immunized.
  • Weddings in private houses are limited to a maximum of 30 guests.
  • Brunches are now again permitted.
  • This year, in-person graduation ceremonies for private high school students are authorized in Dubai.
  • In restaurants, ten people can sit at a table at once, but in cafes, six people can sit at a table at once.
  • Concerts, sporting events, social and institutional gatherings are all permissible as long as the audience, participants, and personnel are all vaccinated.

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