Understanding Corporate Tax Registration Deadlines: A Comprehensive Guide

Navigating the complexities of corporate tax registration can be daunting, especially with varying deadlines based on the type and status of the entity. This guide breaks down the corporate tax registration deadlines for different categories of taxable persons, including Juridical and Natural Persons, both Resident and Non-Resident. Juridical Person: Resident For resident juridical persons, the […]

Company Formation in Dubai – Benefits, Documents, Procedure

Company formation in Dubai is the process of registering and setting up a legal entity for doing business in the city. The process can vary depending on the type of company you wish to form and the jurisdiction you choose. Some of the most common types of company formations in Dubai include: Limited Liability Company […]

UAE Golden Visa Benefits

The UAE Golden Visa represents a pioneering venture in long-term residency, tailored to provide unmatched advantages for foreign talents, investors, and their families. It goes beyond typical visa programs by bestowing unique privileges, such as property ownership rights and exemption from the requirement of a local sponsor. Additionally, it provides access to top-tier healthcare and […]

Choosing the Right Structure for Your Business in Dubai

Choosing the Right Structure for Your Business in Dubai

In the heart of the Middle East lies a bustling metropolis, Dubai, a city that epitomizes ambition, innovation, and entrepreneurship. With its strategic location, robust infrastructure, and business-friendly environment, Dubai has emerged as a global hub for commerce and trade. However, amidst the myriad opportunities Dubai offers, one decision is crucial for aspiring entrepreneurs and […]

Navigating Licensing and Permit Requirements for Business Setup in Dubai

Dubai: a city where dreams touch the sky and opportunities abound at every corner. Its vibrant economy, strategic location, and business-friendly environment make it a magnet for entrepreneurs worldwide. Having completed 15 years of business in this flourishing business hub, NAM Accountants have had the opportunity to experience and understand the entrepreneurial journey in detail. […]

FAQ : Mandatory health insurance for private sector

1. What is the new mandatory health insurance scheme announced by the UAE Cabinet? The UAE Cabinet has announced the implementation of mandatory health insurance for all private sector employees starting January 1, 2025. This decision extends coverage to employees in emirates outside Dubai and Abu Dhabi, as well as domestic workers who currently lack […]

UAE announces mandatory health insurance for private sector

The UAE Cabinet, chaired by HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, has announced the implementation of mandatory health insurance for all private sector employees starting January 1, 2025. This decision comes alongside the approval of a UAE-wide health insurance system during a recent cabinet meeting. […]

UAE Corporate Tax Compliance: Checklist for Businesses to Avoid Penalties

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has grown throughout time to become a global hub for enterprises looking for strategic development and profitable prospects. With its investor-friendly regulations, cutting-edge infrastructure, and dynamic economic landscape, the UAE continues to draw entrepreneurs and corporations from around the world. However, despite the allure of the UAE’s business environment, companies […]

Top audit firms in dubai

Top audit firms in dubai Effective auditing is a pivotal element in global business operations, ensuring credibility and reliability in partnerships. The UAE, renowned as a dynamic business hub, attracts international players seeking fair, comfortable, and profitable transactions due to its tightly regulated financial environment. One key legal requirement mandates businesses in the UAE to […]